
Good Day Bad Day.

Hello folks! Today was my first day for work with the company I applied for. For privacy issues, I will call my job the Print Place. So far it has been a bit overwhelming, but that's a given for the first day on the job. I have to learn a new system on how to handle files. I'm sure in time I will be comfortable with the process so I'm not worried at all. I finally got my own plans for Medical, Dental, and Vision. I'm definitely excited about that. Overall, it was a good day until I hit lunch time. As I was buying some Taco Bell I couldn't find my ATM card. I was like "Sh!t!" I ended up using my toll money to buy lunch. That reminds me, I have to sign up for FastTrack. That way I don't have to go the bank every weekend to scurry for toll money. After I found that I couldn't find my ATM I became a little antsy because I usually don't lose stuff. When I got home, I looked around my house. Nothing. Looked on my account online to make sure nobody tried to use my card. No activity. Then I went to the last place I was at when I last used my card. Drove to Kinko's. Nothing. Came back home, look around my room and YAY!!! I found my ATM card! It was camouflaged in the mess of my room. I didn't see it the first time. I'm glad I checked twice. Errr four times. I have to clean it again. Anyways, my bday becomes good again. Happy happy desu!

Well, tomorrow is going to be another interesting day. I hope I get to do some actual work. I'm excited to do some graphics and fixes. Just to let you know, "fixes" are jobs that some designers hate doing, but it has to be done. Remember if your printing with a printing press remember to read the directions carefully about cuts, bleeds, and safe zones. Make sure to get it right otherwise your file will get kicked back and you would have to submit it again the right way. 

Well, its almost bed time.  Before I go here's a vid of SNSD calling for SM global auditions for Girl's Generation. I'm just amazed at how intelligent and cultured these girls are. Each has their own trait and strengths. I like how some members speak different languages. Check out this vid. 

Man, just lovely. Alright time for bed. Oyasumi

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