
Graduation...Healing relations...Starting anew

I just bought my cap and gown today. I'm excited that graduation is near. 3 more months to go and well, GRADUATION!!! My teachers have pushed me to the limit. I'm glad that they are. They showed me that I am capable of things I thought I could never do. For that I am thankful. The journey is not yet over though, I still have to pass my classes! As long as I stay inspired and have good friends and family around to support me then I'm fine. It took me 8years( Long right?! haha!) to graduate college but, I'm glad I'm finally here to make my parents proud.

Last night, I took a look at the blog I originally started with: 


I told myself that would never go back there. You see, I wrote a post on "How to get a girl." The way I wrote it offended some good friends which, I never meant to do. But somehow things got a little sour and that was the end of me on that blog. I haven't spoken to them in more than a year. There were other events that lead to this, but I don't want to get too much in detail. I realize that I'm not a perfect person and I'm capable of making mistakes and stupid decisions. I just wanted to take this time to apologize for all the harm and disrespect that I've done to certain folks on that blog. What I did was stupid. I know this now. I was just a naive self absorbed person trying to get his 10 seconds of fame. I don't have anything against these guys. In fact, my love for Japanese music was influenced by TsujiEriku. This man, introduced me to the pop side of Japanese music. I'm not going to lie, I used to love listening to Morning Musume, Berryz, etc etc but eventually I just grew out of that genre of music. I began looking for Western influenced Japanese Music. Anyways, I just wanted to tell him, whether he likes me as a friend or not, I respect him and I regret for the events that lead to this sour friendship. These guys at youropiniondoesntcount are crazy odd and interesting and that's what makes them unique. In all respect, I hope they all will live happy lives. Even if I don't see them again, I will continue to wish them a genki life.

You're probably asking, why...why are you telling us this? Good question. I believe as a person, I've grown. For the things I didn't understand before, I understand them now. I'm constantly educating myself. Day by day, I'm trying to become a better person to live a righteous life of peace and prosperity. That's all I want in life. I want to start anew and make sure that I won't repeat the same mistakes.

In dedication to where I started my love with Japanese music, here's the video that eriku showed me that started it all. Enjoy everyone!

Morning Musume-Do! it now
everyone, have a blessed day. Peace.

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