
Sunday-What's hot and what's good Edition

Ohayou Gozaimasu! Good morning everyone. It's that time again to bring you what's hot and what's good in Japanese music. Lately, there's been a lot of good music coming out in Japan. You're going to need a filter to bring you what's hot and what's good. So let's get this thang rollin'!

First off, we have the beautiful half Japanese/Trinidadian chick, Aoyama Thelma with her new track "Mamoritai."

Aoyama Thelma-Mamoritai
Next up we have Yuki Koyanagi with her new single "We can go anywhere."

Yuki Koyanagi-We can go anywhere
I'm a new to this girl. Looks like she's been around for a bit. I have to do some research on her. Ya know, see what she's all about. 

Lastly, we have the very lovely, very busty DJ Kaori featuring Jay'ed with "You're the only one."
Man, DJ Kaori is cute. She dj's, sings, and she got a big rack. Man what more can you ask for!?Don't think she gotta a big rack? Check this:
Jay'ed is an interesting figure. He's half New Zealand/Japanese. This boy got mad skills on the mic. I know he has an album out, but I can't find it anywhere. If y'all know where to get it, holla at yo boy. 

I hope you enjoyed these tunes. Do me a favor and treat yourself to something good this Sunday. You deserve it! Take care everyone.


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